Wouter Versloot

Game Developer



Wouter Versloot

Game Developer




  • Developer: Turtleneck Studios
  • Status: In Development
  • Release Date: T.B.D
  • Role: Development Director
See Demo

RITE of ILK is a cooperative exploration-adventure played entirely by two players and supports both local multiplayer and online multiplayer.

You will find two young Ilk bound together by a single rope as they cling to survival in a world most stranger to them. Sacrificed for the sake of their people, Mokh and Tarh must combine each other’s strengths to quell any weaknesses they will inevitably face if they have any hope in restoring peace with the gods. They soon discover that uncovering the past may be the only way to salvage the future.

The rope binding you together affects the game world in real-time. Use the rope to your advantage or it’ll obstruct you on your adventure. Every part of the game is catered to an amazing co-operative experience. It is especially made for you and your teammate. You can play the game locally, but you can also connect online with someone you know or a complete stranger. Every nook, corner, and cranny of the RITE of ILK universe is worth exploring with its remarkable and sumptuous visuals.